Bible index

Use this page to search for posts that deal at some length with particular Bible passages. New Testament books are listed first. Only books and chapters with linked content are listed. Selecting the book will update the chapters list.

13 The narrative architecture of Jesus’ apocalyptic discourse in Mark 13
13 The apocalyptic significance of Easter Week: Jesus and the temple
13:1-37 Robert Stein: Jesus, the Temple and the Coming of the Son of Man
13:14 Daniel, desolation, and the decreed destruction of the desolator
13:24-27 Re-registering the coming of the Son of man
13:24-27 The connection between the coming of the Son of Man and the destruction of the temple
13:24-27 In those days, after that tribulation...
13:24-27 Dale Allison on Jesus and the end of the world (or not)
13:24-27 Thom Stark on the coming of the Son of Man: the Bible gets it right, Jesus gets it wrong?
13:24-26 Who or what will see the Son of Man coming in clouds? And where?
13:24-27 The coming of the Son of Man, the ascension, and the mission to the nations
13:26 The Son of Man sayings and the horizons of New Testament eschatology
13:26 What did it mean to “see” the coming of the Son of Man in clouds?
13:26 Can we believe what Mark believed about the coming of the Son of Man?
13:29 He is near, at the doors
13:29 The coming of the Son of Man: theology or history?
13:30 Did Jesus say that he would return within the lifetime of his disciples?
13:32 Ignorance about the ignorance of the Son
13:32 Do we have two “ends” in Jesus’ apocalyptic discourse in Mark?