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Did Jesus act as though he thought he were God?

James F. McGrath → peter wilkinson: Mr. Wilkinson, It was
peter wilkinson → Andrew: I’m not trying to play

Did Jesus claim to be God?

Josh Rowley → Andrew: Assuming (1) that this

Putting the theological cart before the biblical horse

JohnO → JR Daniel Kirk: Have you read Gorman?
peter wilkinson → Andrew: Immanuel means ‘God with
Andrew → peter wilkinson: Jesus was not simply Immanuel
peter wilkinson → Andrew: That’s interesting, because
Andrew → peter wilkinson: To be sure, this is an intra-
peter wilkinson → Andrew: Wasn’t it Matthew who started
JR Daniel Kirk → Andrew: I find this to be the

Theology and the interpretation of Isaiah 53

Andrew → Josh Rowley: I also think that one of the
peter wilkinson → Josh Rowley: Josh - I think there is both
Derek Flood → Andrew: Yes I agree that we should
Andrew → Derek Flood: I think you’re right. It
Josh Rowley → Derek Flood: Perhaps Peter meant to
Josh Rowley → Andrew: Andrew: I’m not sure why you
Derek Flood → peter wilkinson: Peter, “Interestingly, the NT
Derek Flood → Andrew: Hi Andrew, I find myself
Andrew → Derek Flood: The problem now is knowing
peter wilkinson → Andrew: Derek’s comment on Isaiah 53
Derek Flood → Josh Rowley: Hi Andrew, I initially began
Andrew → Josh Rowley: Hi Josh, I take your point
Josh Rowley → Andrew: Hi, Andrew— Thanks for adding

Shooting holes in the Son of man thesis

Pat McCullough → Andrew: Hi Andrew, I don’t have much

Man-made life and the remaking of worlds

peter wilkinson → Andrew: There was anguished

What is the good news that is announced in the New Testament?

Andrew → Daniel: That’s a good question. It
Daniel → Andrew: But in what way did that
Andrew → Daniel: Daniel, I think we have to