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Paul and Athens: the case against and for same-sex relationships

HArry Call → Andrew: I have learned in my many…

Paul’s letter to the Romans (14:1-15:7)

Andrew → Mike: That raises some good…

Do you rob temples? The Fulvia scam

Andrew → David Shepherd: David, thanks for this. But…
David Shepherd → Andrew: You’re absolutely right in…

What are the differences between man and woman according to the creation stories?

Ruben Couto → Andrew: If I may, I share here two…

Psalms of Solomon and Romans 1:1-17: The “Son of God” and the identity of Jesus

David → Andrew: Thanks for stating the…

Some of the things I do and why I do them

John W. Morehead → Andrew: I could agree more, Andrew,…

Falling sideways: why not much changed when Adam and Eve sinned

Andrew → Richard Bradshaw: All we can say historically…
Richard Bradshaw → Andrew: If there was a “fall”, when…

Who would be rewarded on the day of God’s wrath against the Jew and the Greek?

Andrew → Messenger: Surely this hasn’t taken…
Andrew → Messenger: 3.a No, I think you have…
Messenger → Andrew: 1. Historical developments…
Andrew → Messenger: Thanks for the detailed…
Messenger → Andrew: Andrew,Thank you for writing…

Jesus and empire, state and church

Am I a trinitarian or a unitarian? Not if I can help it…

Andrew → Peter: So this is where the Got…
Peter → Andrew: I see I threw out a few…
Peter → Andrew: What do you think of the…
Gerard Jay → JT ( John Tancock): But uppercasing letters is…

They will all wear out like a garment: rethinking the quotation of Psalm 102:25-27 in Hebrews 1

Andrew → John M Baumberger: Yes, I read Gaston’s essay…