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The battle between theology and history for the soul of the church: 24 antitheses

How a post-new-perspective, narrative-historical reading of Romans differs from a Reformed reading

Andrew → FLOYD: How? Explain how this…
Andrew → FLOYD: Thanks. Let me explain…

Either Paul got the timing wrong or we’ve got the end wrong

Paul → Doug Wilkinson: Agreed. I don’t think we…

The Gentiles are saved by the salvation of Israel

Andrew → David Venz: David, thanks for this. You…
David Venz → Andrew: I am with you Andrew, as far…

Jesus and the judgment of the Watchers

Andrew → Edward Babinski: Thanks, Edward. I’ve…
Edward Babinski → Edward Babinski: This was what I meant when I…
Edward Babinski → Edward Babinski: My date estimates are…
Edward Babinski → Andrew: I tend to start…
Edward Babinski → Andrew: You can still pull up…

Paul’s letter to the Romans (15:8-16:27)

Kevin Holtsberry → Andrew: You should put this series…

Why did Jesus instruct his disciples not to preach the kingdom of God to Gentiles and Samaritans?

Andrew → Deborah Pendleton : Thanks for the comment,…
Deborah Pendleton → Andrew: To say God choosing the Jews…

Paul’s letter to the Romans (7:1-8:39)

Andrew → davo: I wonder really how…

Interview with Sean Finnegan about In the Form of a God

Andrew → Samuel Conner: Well, that’s a good way of…
Samuel Conner → Andrew: Thank you, Andrew; this is…