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Paul’s letter to the Romans (1:1-18)

Andrew → Richard Blakesley: I’m not sure I’d say that…
Tim Peebles → Andrew:  I’m sympathetic with the…
Richard Blakesley → Andrew: I am pleased that you are…

What was the name which is above every name?

Peter → Andrew: We use names solely as…

Sin and the gospel re-explained

James Mercer → Andrew: Thank you Andrew. My…
Samuel Conner → Andrew: Thank you, Andrew. Regarding…

New CBQ article: the fullness of time and the present evil age

Samuel Conner → Andrew: Thank you, Andrew.  Somehow…

Is Jesus included in the “divine identity” in 1 Corinthians 8:6?

William J Schlegel → Andrew: What obvious desperation…

What’s wrong with the “Romans Road” to salvation?

Andrew → Travis Stopher: Yes, but more important, I…
Travis Stopher → Andrew: I feel like the Romans Road…

The downs and ups of Philippians 2:6-11

Andrew → cato1006: I didn’t cover the second…
cato1006 → Andrew: Hello brother Perriman, Is…

Patriarchy and the (not) naming of the woman by Adam

Andrew → Frankly Frank: You have a point. It has…
Frankly Frank → Andrew: Sounds like the same old…

“My Lord and my God!” Is this theology or rhetoric?

Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: “So the kyrios form doesn’t…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: Sorry, my comments weren’t…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: I think you’ve misunderstood…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: We have the repeated “my” in…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Good question about John’s…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: You would have to explain…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Hi Andrew, Have you ever…

My reading of the Philippians encomium visualised

Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: As for preexistence, I think…
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Well, asking a theologian…
Andrew → Sean Kasabuske: Well I never! But: 1) …
Sean Kasabuske → Andrew: Hi Andrew, I thought it…

Jesus and Jonah at sea: what the disciples learned

The New Historicism and the narrative-historical method

Doug Wilkinson → Andrew: If I remember correctly, my…
Andrew → Douglas Wilkinson: Doug, I seem to remember you…
Douglas Wilkinson → Andrew: Andrew, Since your…