Bible index

Use this page to search for posts that deal at some length with particular Bible passages. New Testament books are listed first. Only books and chapters with linked content are listed. Selecting the book will update the chapters list.

5:19 In what sense are we "bound to what the New Testament teaches"?
5:21-22 Why would being rude to someone get you thrown into the hell of fire?
5:27-30 Why should a man be thrown into Gehenna for having looked lustfully at a woman?
5:43-48 Should we still love our enemies?
5:43-44 No, not that undomesticated Jesus, the other one
6:9-13 Why the Lord’s Prayer should be banned in cinemas
6:9-13 Learning from Daniel’s prayer of confession
6:9-13 The Lord’s prayer and its eschatological context
6:9-13 How would Jesus teach the church to pray today?
6:13 Lead us not into temptation
6:13 Do not lead us into temptation: a mistranslation according to the Pope
6:33 Kingdom texts that don’t fit the paradigm?
7:13-14 The way of life and the way of death
7:21-23 Not all who say, “Lord, Lord”, know what they’re talking about
7:24-27 Blessed are the narrative-historical interpreters: preaching the Beatitudes
7:24-27 The parable of the two houses and the apocalyptic storm
8:5-13 Who will recline at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven?
8:5-13 Why was Jesus so polite to the centurion and so rude to the Canaanite woman?
8:5-13 Did Jesus heal the centurion’s male sexual partner?
8:10-12 Did Jesus believe that Gentiles would be included in the renewed people of God?
8:11-12 Jesus and the restoration of Israel according to Matthew
8:11-12 Why did Jesus instruct his disciples not to preach the kingdom of God to Gentiles and Samaritans?
8:23-27 Who calmed the storm and why?
8:23-27 Did Jesus act as though he thought he were God?
9:1-8 Jesus and the authority to forgive sins
9:10-13 The sick need a physician
9:16-17 Jesus and the restoration of Israel according to Matthew
9:35-38 Fishers of people, labourers for the harvest, and the mission of Jesus’ disciples
9:37-38 What makes us so sure that the harvest is plentiful?
10:5-15 Why did Jesus instruct his disciples not to preach the kingdom of God to Gentiles and Samaritans?