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Title Sort descending Author Last update
Occupy London: what would Jesus have done? Andrew Perriman
Off the map of the biblical narrative Andrew Perriman
On earth as it is in heaven Andrew Perriman
On second thoughts, the five act play model doesn’t work Andrew Perriman
On the mortality of the soul Andrew Perriman
On Transmillennialism and Kevin Beck's This Book Will Change Your World Andrew Perriman
One died for all Andrew Perriman
Oops, mustn’t forget it’s Pentecost Sunday this weekend Andrew Perriman
Opposite-sex relationships and the narratives of evangelical mission Andrew Perriman
Origen on the form of God Andrew Perriman
Origen, Jesus, and the kingdoms of the world (in narrative-historical perspective) Andrew Perriman
Orthodoxy, creation and the judgment of God Andrew Perriman
Our eco-theological blindspots and the climate crisis Andrew Perriman
Our multi-storied theological universe Andrew Perriman
Out of Egypt I called my son: the rabbit in the hat trick Andrew Perriman
Overview of the biblical story Andrew Perriman